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是谁在漫漫长夜陪伴Dr. Kondraki入睡?


在长达半年发帖量极少的hiatus之后,Konny在2019年的第一个月带着KCK前线消息重新回到了https://kondraki.tumblr.com🎉!今天的Konny也致力于在不经意间抛出惊爆消息呢XD 缘起下图:

Q: Opinion on Clef? (对Clef的看法?)

A: I get asked this question at least once a week and my opinion hasn't changed over the years. He's a scoundrel, a rascal, an asshole, an enormous pain in my ass, always on my nerves, ugly, weird, and whenever I'm in the same room as him I cannot relax much like a prey animal when a predator is near, but he's damn good at his job and I wouldn't want anyone else by my side when shit hits the fan.

Also every night I pray that he decides to put his clothes in the washer, even just once, and every morning I realize that God is still deaf to my pleas.




细心网友很快注意到了every night(其实我当时第一次看觉得最后一句完全是同居的嫌弃口吻wwww)

Q: Regarding your "Opinion on Clef" ask... Does that mean you think about Clef every night? 👀 (关于你的“对Clef的看法”那个问题……那是不是意味着你每天晚上都会想Clef?)

A: Of course I do. It's impossible not to, when I sleep with a life-size Clef body pillow. (我当然会想。根本不可能不想啊,尤其是我和一个Clef等身抱枕一起睡的时候。)

Q: YOU HAVE A W H A T (你 有 什 么)

A: A lifesize Clef body pillow. Did I stutter? (一个Clef等身抱枕。我没说清楚?)

Q: "lifesized clef body pillow" bold of you to assume that isn't clef himself. Have you ever seen him and that thing in a room together? (“Clef等身抱枕”?你确定那个不是Clef本人吗。你有没有见过他和那东西同时出现啊?

A: Obviously I saw them in a room together when he was modelling for it. (我当然见过它们同时出现,就是在他给抱枕摆造型的时候。)

Oh he modelled for it. Oh. Okay. Konny你是私人定制的这么一个抱枕还是自己动手做的啊?!!??

经 @蹦太 提醒,RL Clef老师又悄悄过来点赞了这一条:


Q: Okay but WHY do you have a life sized clef body pillow? (行吧但是你到底为什么需要Clef等身抱枕?)

A: To hold close to me during the long nights? Why else? (为了在漫漫长夜里紧紧拥抱?还有为什么?)


会密切关注此事动向。Stay tuned for (potentially) more! ;)

Source: 1 2 3 4 5(需科学上网)


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